Your Blueprint for Weight Loss Success

Woman spins in a white dress in clothing store

More than 50% of Americans make resolutions each January. The most common one? You guessed it: To lose weight. Use this blueprint for success to help you stay on track and achieve your weight loss goals in the new year.

Real Talk: How Do I Make My Weight Loss Resolutions Stick?

Real Talk with the Red Mountain Experts

The start of a new year is a chance to reflect and hit the reset button. But often, it’s not the goal that’s difficult. Rather, it’s sticking to it that causes people to fall off. There are two methods I’ve found to be helpful whenever I’m looking to accomplish a weight loss goal:

Real Talk: How Can I Not Miss Out During the Holidays?

Real Talk with the Red Mountain Experts

The allure of the holidays is often more about the fear of missing out than the food itself. It’s that get it now or wait ‘til next year mentality that can override the healthy habits you might have already established. While many common holiday traditions include food, I tell my patients to focus on non-food […]