Curling up on the couch with a movie and bowl of popcorn is fun, we admit. However, winter-induced laziness is no excuse for lying about the house when you could be doing something productive, or better yet – active. December marks the end of fall, though not the end of the weight-gain season. Beware of newly introduced temptations like candy-canes and warm, heavy meals, as they are known to be repeat offenders when it comes to contributing to diet derailment. The best way to combat such evils is to keep yourself preoccupied, and what better way to replace holiday temptations than with holiday activities?
Here are 5 Holiday-Related alternatives to watching “Elf” for the 75th time:
Visit a Pumpkin Patch/Tree Farm: Pumpkin patches and tree farms are classic holiday destinations the whole family can involve themselves in. Walking around and scouring the terrain for the ‘perfect’ pumpkin or tree to take home is bound to be exhaustive, calorie-burning work. The fun doesn’t stop there, though, because once you get home it is prime time to decorate your findings, which will keep you on your feet even longer, burning more calories and contributing to your weight loss success.
Ice Skating: Find joy in slipping and sliding across the rink with friends or family, especially at whimsical seasonal outdoor skating rinks. Though the invention of the air conditioner has allowed for indoor facilities that function year-round, ice-skating is a fun way to get into the groove of the winter season. Plus, Ice Skating (depending on your height and weight) can burn around 250 calories in 30 minutes – more if you decide to become a ‘skating pro’ and skate laps around your peers.
Volunteer: Give the gift of giving this holiday season by involving yourself with a nonprofit of your choice. Especially around this time of year, nonprofit organizations are welcoming of volunteers and donators alike to perform various tasks and collect copious amounts of canned goods, clothing, donations, and more. Take a few hours out of your week and devote yourself to a greater good; not only will you be active and on your feet, you’ll be giving back to the community, too. There are few greater feelings than the feeling of knowing you’ve done something to make someone else’s life better.
Attend a Holiday Festival or Parade: Light parades, and games and music, oh my! Holiday festivals and parades are specifically designed to get you in a positive holiday spirit, making the required walking around well worth it. If it’s a really good parade, maybe you’ll even find yourself burning more calories from jumping up and down with excitement.
Join a Caroling Group: Caroling can be considered cliché holiday event, but it is fun nonetheless. Grab a group of your friends and form a caroling group in which you plan to sing your favorite holiday tunes or songs – you have the power to make it your own. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a good singer to go caroling, just dress up and have fun with it, that’s what life is all about! The opportunity doesn’t present itself often, so take advantage of it when the time does come. Fun times are difficult to regret, so get out there and make the best of your holiday season.
Happy Holidays!