Surprisingly Unhealthy Food: Healthy Food That’s Not So Healthy

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Unhealthy Disguised as Healthy

There are so many foods out there said to be “healthy” but the honest truth is that those food as anything but good for you. If you’re eating these foods as a regular snack be cautious you might be slowing your weight loss progress down.

Don’t be fooled by brands and what you assume to be healthy, always check the labels before eating.

  • Muffins: The common misconception is muffins are a healthier option to doughnuts, bagels and breakfast sandwiches in the morning. Although they’re rarely covered in sugar or filled with cream, store bought muffins will usually set you back close to 500 calories each.


  • Peanut Butter: Peanut butters are great for you… when they only have two ingredients. If you buy your peanut butters from grocery stores beware of added sugars, artificial flavors and salt. The perfect scenario is that the only ingredients in the butter should be the nuts and maybe some salt to taste.


  • Healthy Drinks: There are so many drinks on the shelves labeled as being filled with necessary fiber, vitamins and probiotics. So are they really beneficial and good for you? Well if it’s filled with more than two ingredients you are just consuming empty calories and filled with artificial sweeteners. Stick to water and if H2O isn’t style try adding some of your favorite fruits and even vegetables to it like strawberries, cucumber or lemons.


  • Salad Dressings: You’re trying to eat healthy by reaching for a salad, so it’s okay to add some of your favorite dressing right? This is one huge mistake that people make because the tastiest salad dressing is usually filled with sugar, oils and fats… and don’t forget those artificial chemicals! The rule of thumb for dressings is try and make your own, in it’s simplest form all you need in lemon juice, balsamic vinegar and oil or if you want a more specific taste try the zest of some of your favorite fruits.


  • Smoothies: If you’re not making your own smoothies you could risk drinking something that is loaded with sugar, artificial flavorings and sweetened yogurts. Many pre-packaged or store bought smoothies will have added sugar and bad ingredients to give them a better flavor. Some of these can even be upwards of 600 calories! So make your drink at home using natural sweeteners like fruit. Remember you can add some greens for their added nutrition value!


  • Frozen Yogurt: Have you ever moseyed down the dessert isle and decided to be “good” this week and pick frozen yogurt over your favorite Ben & Jerry’s pint? However if you look at the calories and sugars frozen yogurt has it can be extremely similar to the ice cream and once you start adding your favorite toppings you blow your calorie count. The benefit of yogurt is it comes with the live cultures in it, and a ton of frozen yogurts are made using heat-processing which kills off these beneficial cultures.


Just remember next time your shopping that the labels are there to help not hinder your success!


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