Get Rid Of Your “Fattitude” and Develop a “Fittitude”


Our attitudes and values regarding weight loss and weight management are the foundation of your success in weight management.

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Have you ever wondered how some people balance their eating and exercise habits while maintaining a stable and healthy weight? We might think of these people as “genetically lucky” or believe they have a fast metabolism. In very few cases, you may be correct. However, what about those people who were once unhealthy, overweight, and inactive, who eventually changed their behaviors and now manage their weight and live an active, healthy lifestyle?

Research tells us that these individuals developed and embraced new attitudes, values, and ways of thinking, which thus guide their healthier behaviors. If you learn how your attitudes and values regarding weight loss/management influence your behavior, you can actually change your attitudes and values so you change how you behave.

The Pyramid to Weight Loss/Management Success

Research indicates that the components involved in achieving weight loss/maintenance success are like building blocks of a pyramid. Each component is vital and necessary in creating lasting weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.

Most people think that if they can get their eating and exercise habits in line that they will lose weight and keep it off. What they fail to realize is that their attitudes and values play a vital role in determining their actions. In fact, their attitudes and values are the foundation upon which all other building blocks depend — they form all of your exercise and nutritional behaviors!

What is a “Fattitude?”

A “fattitude” is a negative attitude and pessimistic outlook that discourages you from taking the necessary actions to lose weight and increase exercise. It’s otherwise known as a thought habit; an old way of thinking that leads to self-defeating behavior about weight loss and management.

If you have a “fattitude,” you likely experience an internal war of competing goals and motivations, which leads to yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, guilt, shame, and weight management failure.

Do You Have a ”Fattitude”?

  • You feel like weight loss/weight maintenance is “too hard.”
  • You believe that exercise is often a punishment.
  • You feel that eating healthy will stop you from having fun.
  • You place greater value on work, family, and/or relaxing than on your health.
  • You often feel victimized by your slow metabolism.
  • You frequently make excuses for why you can’t lose weight or exercise.

What is a ”Fittitude?”

A “fittitude” is a winning attitude about weight management. In order to be successful it is crucial that you identify and recognize your attitudes and values about weight loss and maintenance.

Do You Have a “Fittitude”?

  • Are you committed to taking action?
  • Do you believe you are capable of making lasting changes?
  • Are you willing to make nutritional and/or exercise behavior changes?
  • Do you believe the benefits of changing outweigh the costs?
  • Do you accept ownership of your behaviors or do you blame others?
  • Do you focus on the consequences to your choices?
  • Are you willing to accept temporary discomfort?
  • Are you making yourself a priority?

The 3 C’s to Developing a “Fittitude”

Use the Catch it, Check it, Change it method to develop a winning weight loss attitude once and for all!

Catch it
Notice or “catch” your “fattitude” in action. Use your emotions as cues and take not when you feel unmotivated and pessimistic about your weight loss journey.

Ask Yourself:

  • What am I thinking?
  • Could those thoughts be making me engage in self-sabotage?

Check it
Examine your thoughts more closely. Consider whether they are helpful or harmful.

Ask Yourself:

  • What am I telling myself that is making me feel this way?
  • Is it an extreme or distorted thought?
  • What is the evidence to confirm that my judgment is accurate?
  • Is this thinking helpful or harmful?

Change it
If you have identified a harmful thought, it is time to work towards developing a stronger “fittitude.”

Ask Yourself:

  • What inspiring and motivating thought could replace my harmful thought?
  • What will encourage me?

Remember, it’s time to get “thinspired!” If you stop and purposefully initiate alternate thoughts and positive self-talk you can have a significant impact on your weight loss behaviors.

Our dedicated team is here to support you as you take the first step on your journey towards a healthier and happier you. Request an appointment to get started today.

Dr. Kim Feinstein, Psy. D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Red Mountain’s Behavioral Weight Loss Specialist. She specializes in weight management, body image concerns, and eating disorders. She prides herself in her ability to educate, guide, and inspire patients to overcome obstacles and ultimately achieve their goals.

Dr. Kim Feinstein, Psy. D. Headshot


Dr. Kim Feinstein, Psy. D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Red Mountain’s Behavioral Weight Loss Specialist. She specializes in weight management, body image concerns, and eating disorders. She prides herself in her ability to educate, guide, and inspire patients to overcome obstacles and ultimately achieve their goals.

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Don’t let your weight hold you back. Your guided journey begins here. Book your consultation today.

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