Written by: Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Kim Feinstein, Red Mountain Weight Loss’s Behavioral Weight Loss Specialist
1. Begin by setting one small SMART goal:
· Write your goal according to the SMART format: Specific, Measurable, Attainable,Realistic, and Time-bound (deadline)
· How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal?
· Consider possible obstacles and how to overcome them
· With what non-food related items will you reward yourself?
2. Tell supportive people about your plans:
· Get their feedback and encouragement.
3. Make a list of the Pros and Cons of Changing:
· What will change if I do nothing? What will I (or others) gain from doing this?
· What are the pros of changing/cons of not changing?
4. Create a positive and encouraging daily mantra:
· Ex. I can do this, I am capable of losing weight, I choose to exercise
· Use positive and encouraging self-talk – be your own cheerleader
· Write it down and remind yourself often
5. Just Do it!
· Stop wishing and start doing!
· Visualize your success
· If necessary, get the help you need (therapist, friend, coach) to begin to take action.
If you’re serious about addressing your procrastination (and the overeating that goes with it), there is no moment like the present to get started. You know that you’re going to feel so much better about yourself when you feel more disciplined and focused.
You can do this! I promise.
Recommended Self-Help Resources for Ending Procrastination and/or Increasing Motivation:
1. Truth: The 10 Minute Life Plan: Ending Procrastination and Creating the Life You Want Paperback –by Bill Cortright
2. End Procrastination Now!: Get it Done with a Proven Psychological Approach Paperback – by William Knaus Ed.D.
3. Change Almost Anything in 21 Days: Recharge Your Life with the Power of Over 500 Affirmations Paperback – by Ruth Fishel