Appetite Control Strategies

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Whether it’s a bag of popcorn during a movie or a late-night handful of whatever cereal is easiest to grab, snacking is something that we’re all guilty of doing every once in a while. Especially while we aren’t preoccupied, it’s easy to make a B-line for the pantry as a way to fill empty space and subside even the slightest pang of hunger. As satisfying as it may be, though, snacking can get in the way of allowing you to reach your goals. Overeating, too, is a big issue. Often, it’s brought upon by the obligation to eat everything you’ve been served or when your eyes are too big for your stomach.

Without planning for what you’re eating or not measuring the amount of something that you’re consuming, calories can build up and cancel out any progress you may have been making in terms of your dietary goals. It’s especially difficult to make healthy meal decisions when your appetite isn’t under control.

Learn how to curb your appetite and stop snacking and overeating once and for all! Follow these tips to learn how to be mindful, separate snackiness from hunger, and make it from meal to meal without a too-big desire for a second lunch.

Control Blood Sugar With Cinnamon or Vinegar

A great way to add flavor to anything is to add a splash of vinegar or a sprinkle of cinnamon. Vinegar lowers the body’s glycemic index, which helps control blood sugar. The acidic flavor of vinegar (we love the current Apple Cider Vinegar fad) is an awesome touch to salad dressings, sauces, and even roasted veggies.

Cinnamon, on the other hand, has been shown to slow the rate at which food travels, meaning you feel full for longer periods of time. Add cinnamon to your smoothies, coffee, or even dinner recipes for great health benefits and a yummy aromatic twist.

Don’t Let Yourself Get Too Hungry

When we get “starving” and finally get our hands on food, it’s easy to shove our faces with whatever is most convenient. However, this both advocates for overeating as well as unhealthy food choices. If you find yourself in this situation often – don’t fret! Consider eating smaller versions of your meals throughout the day instead of at three separate sittings. This way, you’ll never feel like you’re going hungry.

Drink Water

Sometimes we mistake our boredom or thirst for hunger, which is a vital mistake. Even just mild dehydration can trick our bodies into thinking that we’re hungry, so make sure you’re staying well-hydrated with pure water (not sugar-ridden juices or sodas). Full-grown adults should generally drink 8-12 cups of water daily depending on age, activity level, climate, and more.

Eat Slowly

When you consume something, it can take a while before your belly feels full from it. For this reason, try and make it a practice to chew your food thoroughly before swallowing. This way, you’ll experience the sensation of being full more quickly and enjoy your food more!

Try an Appetite Suppressant

Appetite suppressants are a useful tool that helps reduce your appetite and make it easier to stick to a healthy diet. These medications stimulate areas of your brain that control satiety. The active ingredients interrupt hormonal responses, fooling your brain into thinking you feel full. As a result, it’s easier to eat less. They even have several benefits:

They Ease the Transition Into Healthy Living
One of the largest roadblocks patients face during their weight loss journey is changing their lifestyle. For many, it is difficult to establish a new way of life and viewpoint on food. However, the benefits of appetite suppressants make it easier for patients to transition into a healthier way of living by eliminating cravings and reducing the desire to eat unhealthy, tempting foods.

Portion Control Is Easier
Decreased hunger makes it easier for patients to avoid excessive snacking and over-eating. Thus, serving proper-sized portions becomes normal to the body and brain. After a while, eating the correctly-sized amounts of foods will become habitual.

They Can Help End Unhealthy Habits
With a decreased tendency to binge-eat or indulge in cravings, patients who take appetite suppressants find that they can avoid eating at unnecessary times or under unnecessary circumstances, such as emotional eating or late-night snacking. 


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