CO2 Fractional Skin Resurfacing


The gold standard in laser skin resurfacing

We proudly offer our patients the AcuPulse CO2 Fractional Laser, the “Gold Standard” in non-surgical skin rejuvenation. The CO2 effectively treats a broad range of skin conditions by gently removing all or part of the skin. The body’s natural healing processes then replace the damaged skin with new and healthy tissue. The AcuPulse laser offers three variations of fractional resurfacing treatments.


Replaces damaged skin with new tissue.


Treats aged, sun-damaged, or scarred skin.


Combines DeepFX and ActiveFX for astounding results.

Portrait of shirtless adult woman touching her face and smiling

How CO2 fractional skin resurfacing works

Portrait of shirtless adult woman touching her face and smiling

Fractional laser.

This treatment ablaids the skin, triggering the production of new collagen and elastin fibers.

Individualized to you.

CO2 fractional skin resurfacing can be personalized to your goals. Deeper treatments will require more healing time, while shallower treatments will require less to see optimal results.

Before Treatment

You’ll start your CO2 experience with a consultation with one of our Medical Aestheticians. They will review your skin concerns and create an individualized treatment plan to help you achieve your goals.

You will come in for a pre-treatment evaluation one week before your scheduled treatment. During this time, you will be given detailed patient instructions, including prescriptions and a post-procedure kit.

During Treatment

When you arrive for your appointment, you will be prepped for your treatment, including taking necessary prescriptions and numbing before beginning your treatment. Although we take every effort to minimize discomfort, you will feel a hot sensation during your treatment that will slowly subside over the next 24 hours.

After Treatment

Expect to see some redness, scabbing, and peeling for about two weeks after the treatment. We will have you come in for a two-week follow-up. During this visit, the Medical Aesthetician will evaluate how your skin is healing and provide you with an at-home skin care recommendation that best suits your skin type and needs. As your skin continues to heal, you will begin to see impressive results. Dark spots fade, the skin tightens, scars are less noticeable, and a more youthful appearance is revealed.

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Find CO2 fractional skin resurfacing near you

CO2 Fractional Skin Resurfacing in 

The CO2 Fractional Laser is safe and effective for individuals looking to improve their skin’s appearance, texture, and tone. This treatment can reduce and clear acne scars, pigmentation, scar revisions, skin toning, and fine lines and wrinkles.

While every precaution is taken to ensure you are comfortable, there may be some discomfort during and after the procedure.

The number of treatments varies based on your skin concerns. We can help you customize a treatment plan that is right for you

Additional laser services

Laser hair reduction

Remove unwanted hair from virtually any area of the body.

IPL fotofacial

Effectively treats wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, age spots, and sun damage.

Book a free consultation

Want to improve the overall tone and texture of your skin? Schedule a consultation to learn more about CO2 Laser Resurfacing today!

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