Too often, we plan to spend quality time with those closest to us, but end up groaning “there’s nothing to do!” and giving up. So frequently we wish to occupy ourselves with something fun and valuable, but never seem to follow through because we can’t come to a consensus on what exactly we want to spend our time doing. Enough is enough!
One of the greatest contributors to weight gain is stagnancy. Try all you might to fight the urge to binge-watch a TV series, boredom inevitably leads to just that. Although nutrition is a key concept in weight loss, so is physical movement, which boredom tends to inhibit. When pursuing a weight loss goal, one of the best things you can do for yourself is get up off the couch! You don’t need to start training for a marathon or work out like an elite Cross-Fitter, you just need to get yourself moving.
There’s a huge stigma surrounding working out, but being active doesn’t have to mean going to the gym for an hour every day. Many people are off-put by the idea that living an active lifestyle means allocating a certain amount of time per day for vigorous physical exercise, meanwhile a true active lifestyle entails more so of doing little things throughout the day or week that add up. Being “active” is not synonymous with “gym membership,” (though that’s not a bad idea), it can mean doing just about anything that gets your heart rate significantly above what it’s at when you’re at rest.
Stop wishing, and start doing. It’s the little changes you make that really add up to something great. Forget the TV show, exploring one of the listed healthy living activities will not only get you up and moving, but bring value to your life a cable program cannot provide.
Visit local attractions
RedMountain is absolutely swarming with enrichment experiences! From museums, to the science center, and even the zoo, there’s something for every taste. You’ll be so consumed with fascinating facts that you won’t even be aware of how many steps you’re racking up and calories you’re burning.
Sign up for some sort of lessons
It’s probably been a while since you were involved in a recreational sport of any kind, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pick it back up again. In fact, many sports leagues offer lessons for people of all levels and ages, adults included! Some places even offer family-oriented classes and workshops, giving you an excuse to get everyone moving along with you. Whether you choose to join an amateur adult swim class for fun or participate in a self-defense course for your own safety, both get your heart rate up and offer a sense of fulfillment.
Take road trips
You may be sitting in the car for a while, but your legs will be sore the next day from how much fun you have been having exploring shops, walking around, and just enjoying your surroundings! It’s nice to have a change of scenery every once in a while, and lucky for us, we have a few different options. From hiking trips to exploring the old mining town of Bisbee, or even touring the Kartchner Caverns, there’s always something new to discover.
It’s always a good time to give back to the community, and there are countless ways to do it, too. A quick google search will conjure up a mile-long list of organizations that love having the help of go-getter people like you. No matter your specialty or interest, you’re bound to find a perfect match.
Create a hike routine
We are surrounded by mountains – take advantage of it! Hiking is free, scenic, and easily customizable based on skill level and comfort, making it one of the most versatile hobbies you can take up. A common excuse for not going on hikes is the fact that by the time many of us get home it’s already dark, but evening hikes are just as beneficial! In fact, it’s cooler at night, so you may even prefer the cover of night.
Lake Trip
If you have a boat, or even a friend with one, plan to spend a day out on the water sometime! Enjoy the great outdoors by fishing, laughing, swimming, and just plain having a good time. Even if you don’t, lakes like Roper Lake near Safford, AZ or Patagonia Lake in Patagonia, AZ have several “beaches” perfectly suitable for a relaxing day out with friends or family. If you’re the type to do so, they offer some great camping grounds, as well.