It is that time of year again when we start to dream about becoming healthy in the new year. We set our New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier, start exercising, and lose weight. Unfortunately, only a few succeed in the long run. In fact, according to recent studies, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail within the first year and 20% of resolutions are broken within the first week! That is not very promising.
This year, let’s do something different. Let’s replace your New Year’s resolution with a more clear and defined vision statement.
A vision is defined as an image of the future (or future self) one seeks to create. Research suggests that having a vision statement will help you create a road map so you know where you are going, will help you make better decisions, and will keep you on track through difficult times. Your vision statement will be developed with your values in mind and the direction you want to take.
Your thoughts and your vision are the greatest contributors to your success. Change doesn’t happen because you make a resolution, change happens because you see what you want to become, take actions to make it happen and begin living the vision.
What and who we become is a matter of choice, not destiny. Click here to download a printable worksheet that will help you develop your vision statement and finally become the person you have always wanted to be.
Looking for a partner to help guide you through your weight loss journey? Click here to request an appointment to meet with one of our licensed medical providers.
By: Dr. Kim Feinstein, Psy.D., Red Mountain Clinical Psychologist and Behavioral Weight Loss Specialist