Fad Diets and Why They Don’t Work | Alternative to Specialty Diets

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If you have tried to lose weight on your own, you may have been disappointed by poor results. Or, perhaps you have had some success but eventually regained the weight you initially lost.

Unlike specialty diets or fad diets, medical weight loss operates on a platform of science. Taking concrete statistics into account, the programs, medications, and skills promoted are proven to help patients safely achieve their desired outcome. Here’s why a medical weight loss program is more likely to help you succeed than any other option:

Patients are under medical supervision

Medical weight loss requires that patients consult with a bariatric physician – a weight loss specialist. This ensures that patients are accomplishing their weight loss goals safely, effectively, and efficiently.

Alternatively, fad diets leave people to their own devices. This often leads to individuals not providing their bodies with the nourishment necessary to thrive, thus resulting in a decreased metabolism and risk for other health issues.

Prescription medications are available

Medical weight loss solutions often include the option to receive prescription medications such as appetite suppressants which benefit the patient’s weight loss experience. With effects that ease the body’s transition into healthier lifestyle habits, patients who are administered prescription medications from their physicians often find that they are able to quickly adopt the skills necessary to achieve their weight loss goals.

In comparison to over-the-counter supplements who claim similar effects, prescription medications provide the advantage of maximum-strength dosages of active ingredients. Thus, physician-provided medications are more advantageous in efficacy and overall benefits.

Individualized solutions

Using their medical knowledge in accordance with a patient’s body composition analysis, physicians can determine a safe and appropriate course of action to best solve a patient’s problems. Unlike fad diets, bariatric physicians are able to provide individualized solutions that are appropriate for patient’s lifestyles and account for current health, goals, and genetic makeup.

Furthermore, medical weight loss places a heavy importance on the patient’s total well-being. As they can properly diagnose core issues that contribute to unwanted weight, Bariatric Physicians provide solutions to holistic health while helping patients achieve their weight loss goals. As such, those who choose medical weight loss solutions are more likely to maintain their results than their counterparts who are not provided with the resources necessary to improve their overall health.


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Don’t let your weight hold you back. Your guided journey begins here. Book your consultation today.

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